Bruce Biggin

Bruce Biggin is a retired hospital pharmacist with a 30 year career at Metrohealth Medical Center. Always an avocational oboe player, Bruce has played with many groups throughout Cleveland including Parma Symphony Orchestra, Symphony West, Chagrin Falls Studio Orchestra, Cleveland Philharmonic, Strongsville Community Band, and Bay Village Community Band. Since retiring Bruce has given back to the double reed community by volunteering at the John Mack Oboe Camp in North Carolina and being privileged to perform in master classes with luminaries of the oboe world such as Joe Robinson retired New York Philharmonic, Scott Hostettler current English Horn Chicago Symphony and Frank Rosenwein current principal oboe Cleveland Orchestra. Also an active member in the International Double Reed Society, Bruce is a member of the reading session committee which leads sight reading sessions each summer at the IDRS convention. This has led to performing concerts in small ensembles in exotic lands including Granada, Spain and Tokyo, Japan. Finally Bruce maintains a studio of oboe students and can boast of mentoring 4 students thus far to winning positions in the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra. Speaking of teaching, 2 oboists have shaped Bruce’s musical career, Loyal “Bud” Mould, and Danna Sundet.